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Ring Of Fire

When a man grabs a group of friends and has a tribal ceremony with a tiki torch. He takes said tiki torch and inserts it through each members anal tube.

The man created a Ring Of Fire with the whole football team

by June 19, 2022

Ring of Fire

A circular red or yellow ring that appears on the shaft of the Penis

Oh my god I fucked this whore now I have the Ring of Fire on my dick

by Hilary4Prison May 24, 2019

Ring of Fire

Having the most passionate yet forceful anal sex with someone who has Hemorrhoids. Leaving a dirty mess for everyone to enjoy.

Nelson prepared his bowels for the most ravaging anal fucking of a life time. He knew Lyn was the one when she put on the black veiny strap-on. He expected humiliation. What he wasn't expecting was his medication condition to flare up. His hemorrhoids were bloody red like cherries of the anus. Lyn didn't care; she wanted to pick the fruit of his looms. She rapidly entered his cavity in search of his humiliation. This was the first ring of fire, but not the last. He proceed to lay, ass up in deafeat. His anus. Red. His face from embarrassment. Red. The sheets. Red.

by Rock your rockhard November 1, 2021

Ring of Fire

a homosexual circle fuck around a fire

George Bush started the famous Ring of Fire when he got 30 gaymen to fuck eachother in a circle around the camo fire

by Mr. Legs January 23, 2010

Ring of fire

When a redhead shaves there pubes and you leave a line of pubes around your dick so it looks like a ring

My boyfriend sent me a naked pic and he had a ring of fire and i loved it

by stickman979 July 10, 2010

Ring of Fire

A party game with a group of male participants and a biscuit. The goal of the game is to not be the last one of the participants to ejaculate on the biscuit. Who ever lasts the longest, has to eat the biscuit.

Guy 1: Hey, wanna play Ring of fire?
Guy 2: No dude WTF?!

by ThisIsNorway October 30, 2017

Ring of Fire

When two gay men are simultaneously chowing down on each others assholes like the fart monsters they are. Thus creating one continuous tube or circular human centipede.

Billy and I were caught in a ring of fire last night. Which is fine when we kiss cause.... ya know...

by emmerwemmer June 1, 2017