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A British little skater who supposedly has a massive cock. Usually a kinky switch who claims to "leave girls paralysed for 30 minutes" after clapping their cheeks. Attracted to milfs, dilfs and is a total fan boy. Also attracted to polish blonde girls with big(ish) tits. Wouldn't be surprised if he had a mommy kink. Clingy as fuck village boy that teases julia's.

but he's super sweet so its okay :)

Person 1: I met this skinny raccoon ass looking boy at the skate park yesterday..
Person 2: Did he have a big bunda?

Person 1: Yeah
Person 2: Wow! that was definitely a jimmy

by bigtitspolishgirl420 May 10, 2022


The technological nerd, the person who can literally solve anything that is related to technology, named after someone from VSA.

That kid over there is a Jimmy.

by DictionaryWordDefiner April 11, 2019


Jimmy is one of the most nicest and funniest guys you will every meet. Whenever you are near him you will always feel comfortable around him no matter what he is completely understanding and when you ask him something he will always reply to you. he is very amazing in many ways that you can dream of. So ladys make sure to keep jimmy close to you at all times no matter what!

Jimmy is the best

He is so amazing!

by GraceCrusader October 9, 2019


James but this is the one who cons Hannah’s into thinking he’s a swell guy

Lil Jimmy got lil peepee energy ✨✨

by RussellCrow_ June 4, 2020


A chad who gets all the ladies and steals them from Bodhi

Bodhi: Jimmy why did you take my hoe?
Jimmy:becuase Im that c00l!

by chadmater69 October 30, 2019


Another name for a large animal of some sort. Usually for hippos.

Plural: Jimbos

Wow look at that Jimmy grazing in the feild.

Wow that’s quite a few Jimbos.

by Low Fat Tub O’ Lard February 8, 2018


A little man with a small dick

Or an absolute douchebag

"Hi Jimmy, nice mini Jimmy there" And then you laugh

by FECKULOL April 13, 2019