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five points above

to be fucking retarded beyond reason

also a band

Dude, you are officially five points above after saying that shit.

by Emcee Axel April 19, 2006

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Five Legged Caribou

A man goes inside a stuffed caribou carcass and a woman proceeds to mount the carcass with his erect penis that is replacing the traditional caribou penis.

We snuck into Cabelas last night and Tom and I did the Five Legged Caribou.

by The Great Scott February 25, 2012

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ten five two

A girl who from far away appears to be a 10, but as you get closer she quickly drops from a 10 to 5, and then even as far as a 2 up close. An unfortunate thing indeed.

"Man I was all about that ass when we were looking at her from down the road, but now I just want to call the dog warden on that 10-5-2"

"That 10-5-2 was false advertising goods she couldnt provide"

by Masternutcher August 25, 2004

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Portland Hi Five

When someone from that shit hole of a hipster berg physically grabs your hand and makes you give them a hi five. Because you absolutely wouldn't do it if you were not forced to.

Can also be retaliation/solid transition from when another person does a "Face!" and shoves their hand in your face after an insult.

"hey girl, whats the matter?"

"He just gave me a Portland Hi Five! Fuck Portland!"


by Hodala October 12, 2011

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Pornstar High Five

Porn Star High Five (fived,fiving) verb; Definition:
To connect elbows in lieu of hands in a slapping fashion as to say good job. This method was created because who knows where those hands have been.

Hey bob, that last anal scene was great, let's get that to the edit room & call it good (insert "pornstar high five here")

by Fornicacious July 14, 2010

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Five Star Bitch

When one gets a girl to suck his dick with his hand on the back of her head.

DUDE, I controlled this girl with a five star bitch.

by Ben Rothschild September 13, 2011

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Five-Hour Jaegerbomb

N.) A drink to dank in shot form, consisting of: Two parts Five hour energy and three parts Jaegerbomb. After drinking the feeling of death comes over you for thirty seconds, and then the overwhelming feeling of running for five miles and puking after five feet.
V.) to five hour bomb it

Jamie- Dude, Where's Greg?
Rob- He took three five-hour jaegerbombs and immediately freaked out, he ran off about five minutes ago.
Jamie- Fuck! Get your keys we have to go get him.
Rob- Why?
Jamie- He just five hour bombed three times. The fuck do you think?
Rob- Good point.

by orchardstreetbanger September 13, 2011

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