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Math Rocking

When you sit in your room contemplating your sexuality to the smooth tones of depressed men.

I always see Jason Math Rocking on Discord, maybe I should check on him.

When Jamal is Math Rocking he says it feels like there's 6 men in his head and their fighting for a casting couch.

by EdieD April 1, 2023

lobotomized Rock

A person who is lazy, lethargic, and incapable to think properly.

john is a lobotomized rock, he is just a waste.

by being formless September 13, 2022

hunk of rock

A diamond, especially in 1930s slang.

Look at that hunk of rock on May's finger! She must be marrying a hustler

by heresyourletter February 28, 2014

Rock the mic

To handle effectively and impressively; to use or wield effectively, esp. with style or self-assurance.

A: " So, Tracy.... you passed the tests with flying colors and the job is yours.... what you gonna do now?"
B: “I’m gonna rock the mic

X: "Ok Babe... say I am yours tonite... what you gonna do to me?"
Y: "I´m gonna rock the mic ´till you bleed!”

by rperazag July 11, 2010

35👍 25👎

Butt Rock

A style of hard rock from 1986 to 1992 with nothing original to add to the genre of hard rock. Their songs consist of the same over-used series of power chords and corny lyrics and may often contain the use of keyboards or (Lord help us) a keytar , but are just following what hard rock and metal bands have done from 1970's-1985.

Butt Rockers have been plastered all over MTV through the late 80's and early 90's because of a pretty boy image seen by recording executives as a pre-teen goldmine.

Butt Rock Pioneers include Bon Jovi, Poison, Warrant, Skid Row and Winger, Lita Ford, Europe and Telsa.

Performers are usually depicted as having long, "big" hair that is either bleached blond, dyed black or permed to death. Tight, ripped jeans or spandex, bright colored ripped and/or shredded shirts and excessive use of animal print bandanas.

Butt Rock bands rarely put out more than 2 albums. Their first album was only popular because the sounded like one of their predecessors, then trying to experiment with their own style was grossly insufficient to have any lasting effect on the market.

Motley Crue is still touring after nearly 30 years.
Warrant (or any member of) hasn't been heard from since 1991, despite attempts.

Butt rock has no originality.

by Catera January 9, 2011

339👍 324👎

rock of love

The greatest show in the history of television

"I have to go visit the hospital, my mom has cancer"
"Dude, get real, Rock of Love's about to come on"

by Brett Michaels March 24, 2008

104👍 88👎

dad rock

The term 'dad rock' refers to older music listened to by men who try, without success, to introduce this music to their children and other younger people.

Music can only be counted as 'dad rock' if it is music that has failed to remain popular with younger generations, e.g. Dire Straits, The Yardbirds etc., whereas bands of the same era such as Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones would not count as their music transcends the generation gap and is still popular with younger people

While 'dad rock' can be quite personal to each dad, examples of artists include: Dire Straits, The Yardbirds, Cream, King Crimson, Yes

by 2Mannings1Bowl September 23, 2010

303👍 279👎