The act of masturbating while having your partner douche your ass.
Steve & Matt seems to always enjoy leaving to go shooting water bottle rockets together. Such nice boys
That point at which your heading to bathroom and suddenly its lift off. Shit comes screaming out your butt like a 747 at lift off as you scramble to keep it under control.
Joberty was headed to bathroom and suddenly he rocket shart all over amena.
When you arent sure of the origin of an ice lolly, but you want to lick it anyway.
"Phwoar Nigel! Giz a lick of that wonky rocket then or what?"
i need to identify the times of the day where i most enjoy firing up lung rockets in order to quit smoking.
The floating used tampon(s) in a high traffic port-a-pot.
“I dry heaved and peed simultaneously because of all the clot rockets in the port-a-pot.”
An unofficial holiday that falls on November 13th. My friend and I thought of it in Home Economics when we were doing something with holidays and the only one left to choose was boring old Labor Day. The day is basically about celebrating the invention of the rocket ship.
Greg: Dude, you wanna go huntin'?
Doug: Naw, I'll stay home for Rocket Day.
The 'Rocket League Syndrome' affects entertaining Youtubers during their recordings. It is a mental irritation that comes with its physical symptom of giving the affected person an itchy nose.
Several famous Youtubers are already infected with the Rocket League Syndrome. It is said that patient zero is either JonSandman or Woofless, both whom are famous Youtubers that play Rocket League frequently.
There is still no known cure to the Rocket League Syndrome.
I'm going to play defensive, the Rocket League syndrome is messing with me again. (Which essentially means that the person is staying as a goalkeeper so that he/she can scratch his nose)