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five second smash

Finish up in 5 seconds

I was with my girl and we had a five second smash

by Coopdogjr February 27, 2017

Dj Smashing

Am ability given to a Disc Jockey to receive sexual opportunities as a.result of their status and popularity.

The prestige opportunity to be sexually pleased by a popular Disc jockey

I had sex with her, but it was just me, Dj Smashing and noe she hook.

Girl last night I got Dj Smashed.

by WiseTriniBird January 8, 2019

Superman Smash

The act of going on the rollar coaster The Superman Ride of steel and making it to the top of the hill. While on the top, you give or recieve an act of oral and or sexual intercoarse to another man or women. Actions may include but are not limited to licking one's butt hole, putting a dick in one's ear and or jack hammering a pussy.

Superman Smash

by DaLaxMan August 11, 2011

Smash and Lash

To lead someone into having sex with you and then leave immediately after and never communicate or be associated with them again as if they never exsisted. Can also be abbreviated to S&L.

"Girl, remember the boy I met the other week, yeah well he full did a smash and lash on me."

by wan2thedon23 June 28, 2017

Texas smash

When you leave a giant cum load on your hookups pillow, face and bed before you exit in the morning unannounced. And holler their name as you walk out & slam the door.

It was great last night with Veronica but I left her with a Texas smash this morning 💦 💦 💦!

by Loadsofjizz!!! March 12, 2023

Info Smash

Cutting something random from wikipedia and pasting it as a comment under someone's facebook status.

Marcus Fiffer- is starring at the wall cause there is nothing good on tv...


Don Landor-
Spandex, or elastane, is a synthetic fiber known for its exceptional elasticity. It is stronger and more durable than rubber, its major non-synthetic competitor. It is a polyurethane-polyurea copolymer that was invented in 1959 by DuPont chemist Joseph Shivers. When first introduced, it revolutionized many areas of the clothing industry.

"Spandex" is a generic name and not derived from the chemical name of the fiber, as are most manufactured fibers, but an anagram of the word expands."Spandex" is the preferred name in North America; in many European countries it is referred to as "elastane".

The most famous brand name associated with spandex is Lycra, a trademark of Invista (formerly part of DuPont). Such is the prominence of the Lycra brand that it has become a genericized trademark in many parts of the world, used to describe any kind of spandex. Invista discourages such use, protecting its trademark vigorously.

Other spandex trademarks include Elaspan (also Invista's), ROICA & Dorlastan (Asahi Kasei) and Linel (Fillattice).

Marcus Fiffer-
Damn your info smashing!

by SushiMonster555 October 18, 2009

Dry smash

Barreling full speed ahead with zero preparation and or forethought.

Having never seen the slide deck before, the manager dry smashed his way through the presentation, leaving his audience cringing.

Alternative: fucking with no lube

by Wariomario June 8, 2019