A liberal democrat state that is full of high taxes, high cost of living, slow ass traffic, aggressive retarded ass drivers and the state is full of retarded ass motherfuckers that treat you like shit for literally no reason
I hate New York State so much, I’m moving the fuck out of that dirt neck shithole, and I’m moving to Texas - Rick
The constant state of being a douche.
Man, Fred has been in such a douchonic state this past week!
What the coronavirus has allowed all countries to become. Whether the cops recruited are male or female, the resulting police state is the same, an overrecruited and overpoliced population, no matter what the people being policed (or recruited for that matter) look like.
There are no checks and balances in a police state, what little rights people had before are considered by the police and entities that fund them to be surrendered by the people being policed.
A totalitarian state where people have to ask permission to do anything.
People end up with a police state if they don't wake up and fight to keep their government in check. Sometimes it just keeps getting darker, there's no guarantee the light at the end of any tinnel is going to be daylight.
the united states of america, you too Alaska, not you Canada and Mexico
also guns in usa
where are you from?
united states of amercia
oh so you like own a gun?
nah, i own two guns
Failure at the "service ability limit state" is quite different form failure at the "ultmate limit state"...