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sussy amogus sugoma balls dababy school

the best school ever in the entire world

today i went to the sussy amogus sugoma balls dababy school and I learned a lot about sussy stuffs

by C17H21NO4 cock January 25, 2022

central high school

A school in Virginia that people get arrested for almost every reason imaginable

Bombs, guns, knives and drugs were found on people in central high school

by FatAss32112 December 19, 2016

Hastings School

The worst school in existence, a teacher made an entire year group do an exam, she would always say that she is correcting the exam, this happened 1 year ago, legend has it that she is still correcting

Hasting school is a wast of your money, id rather ruck on a gorillas cock than work here, Hastings school

by Multiple penis man September 10, 2020

Holy Name Catholic School

A Catholic elementary school in Toronto situated on the dish with one spoon covenant, It is located on 690 Carlaw.

I went to Holy Name Catholic School (NHCS).

by pagR May 11, 2024

school homeless

When you can't find your classes (or your teacher is absent) so you relax in the hallways

Friend: I couldn't find my classes today!
Person: It must suck being school homeless!

by epicgamer2008 March 3, 2022

louisville collegiate school

The school for you if you enjoy spending 25,000 Dollars for a sub par education and liberal indoctrination.

O the land of the free and Louisville Collegiate School is the home of the gays.

by Fuckcollegiate September 22, 2021

Waverley school

There is already a definition for Waverley school and let me tell you that is correct they only care about your attendance "cOmE iN sChOoL eVeRy DaY rEaDy To lEaRn" WHAT DO WE FUCKING DO IF WE HAVE COVID

Waverley school is shit

by Ashbobatea November 23, 2021