this is a school of moist wasteman and wannabe roadmen. the supposed mandem walk around sagging but when they touch yard they pull it straight back up. The majority chat to ygs but they have a lot of vibe. the teachers are built madly and lack composure. The beanies in the sixth form are leng however the beanies that the rest of he mandem chat to aren’t pushing p
icl i go westcliff high school for boys
Always finds a way to out-retard the retard
Kid 1: Man, last night at prom, they didn’t put out enough seats AND they screwed up the assigned buses
Kid 2: Man, Lake Zurich High School really knows how to out retard the retard
A public high school in Preston, Melbourne that tries a bit too hard to be a private school.
Preston High School is balls.
The best school in the world. It is a heaven for everyone where the teacher is nice and everyone is very good and happy. There are no problems and the food is tasty. Everyone is good friends with everyone and teachers. This school is very good and awesome for everyone. Nothing ever happened on 8th September 2021. The school did not lose any students and we always only had 100 people. The blood stains in the toilet was the result of periods and not any student who gave head. I am most certainly not a spy trying to document this and got caught. I am most certainly not being held hostage with a ArmaLite AR-15 223 Remington 5.56×45mm loaded with 9mm bullets capable of firing through walls pointed at my head. I am not being forced to write this in order to hide the incident. Sorry, a incident. I am not sure why you may think that I may not exist after this is published. Please do not spread any fake news or we may have to prosecute you.
"Wow, st Gabriel's Secondary school is truly the school of all time!"
"Nothing bad ever happens here!"
"... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--."
".. / .- -- / .. -. / - .... . / -... .- ... . -- . -. -"
When public or private help is unavailable to get the help one needs, or if one is unable to recognize one is not doing well, one takes suggestions from graduates of the school of human kindness.
Say, you look like you famished! Go to the Pizza Bar and and buy yourself some pizza!! The School of Human Kindness!!
Ware all the kids fucking vape, and think they hot shit.
Girl 1:” walks in bathroom”…..
Girl 2:” your new to Philo high school are you a snitch?”
A school full of weird bitches drug addicts and mentally Ill teenagers and all they talk about is sex.
This school is worse than Chicago agriculture high schools football team