The ultimate compliment which can be bestowed. Most appropriately used when serving looks to legendary children. Popularized by the television series Legendary and used liberally among YouTubers Peter Monn and Munoz (kinda).
Pam: Honey, that look is a ten out of ten.
You did what needed to be done.
The foundation which was built off how lucky you get or are and for those big dick daddies who was lucky enough to get a girl branded with such said tattoo. To all those alike well Lucky You!!!
You see see that girl which came from the lucky you foundation
alright i can say the alphabets backwards and forwards in just 2 seconds you ready, abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba, you dont believe me? watch it in slow motion. NIGGA YOU DUMB AS HELL
A way to ask someone, "Do you understand". Made in West Africa, Ghana.
Kofi- "How do you eat these noodles"
Nana- "You take the chopsticks and use, you barb"
When one feels so much for another and can’t express it as much as they try. You say it to the person that makes you happy, the person cherish most, the person you know will be there for you, your favorite person.
Girl: Baby, you mean everything to me. I heart you forever.
Boy: I heart you so much more
A northern phrase describing when something is certain - a sure bet
"was Jeffrey Epstein murdered to keep him silent?"
"You can bet your bottom bollock he was!"
When you see your best friend for the first time in 4 months and twelve days
Yo! What up man! I love you nigga dog monkey!