The pointless explanations to why a lie should be believable. Extra lies that make what someone said sound even more stupid than the original lie itself.
He said he wasn’t there so i showed him the pictures. Then he gave me some dumb-shit bullshit about how some dude made a mask that looks like him to make me mad and i fell for that dudes dumb-shit bullshit .
Usually after a soggy, wet, runny or mushy poo you can find that your backside is annoying to wipe. It tends to go on the hairs around your hole leading to the term ‘shit strings’
‘I’ve just had a runny poo and now I’ve got shit strings’
"OGs" is an acronym for On Gay Shit, usually either casually understood or could very well be crypted text under the guise of two plus homies: usually involving a DL discreet referring to anything on the modern spectrum from a slightly coded as an understanding of, or up to full- throttle homosexual, gay acts. Tone can be candid or formal, funny or serious. OGs may not even be sexual at all, homoerosis, yet the essentialistic personal identity can be a gay man who ID's as gay. Also could be a straight (homoflexible or) anywhere on the spectrum to stand for a quasi definition of eros/ethos/pathos of homosexuality.
Straight Homie - "Whatchya upto today? You wanna come over, have a brewski, smoke some, and kick it for a few? My lady's out of town..."
Gay Homie: "Well I did have plans but now that I'm woke up and you're asking, I'm trying be ---OGs - on gay shit (as acronym)-.! Be there soon."
It's like shit on a shingle... but instead of putting the meat over bread or crackers it is on mashed potatoes
I am going to make "shit on a snow bank" for dinner tonight.
A combination of shithead and fuckface. Means someone who is stupid, assholish, resembling a shitface.
I was such a shit faced person because I was so lazy to do any work today!
Shit faced
When drinking too much or smoking too much the person becomes so fucked they call him/her shit faced
completely fucking dead, as in tired enough to choke on your own spit and willingly give up to be able to sleep right then and there
person: bro im so fucking shit faced im gonna collapse
bro: yeah person im literally not able to move my hands
person: bro *chokes on spit* im dead