Hym "But neither do THEY. They CAN'T. It isn't in them. But they will pretend until the day they die if they are not made to stop and they won't even count the bodies that pile up in their wake. Suchir Balaji. There's 1! At least! I'm the only one counting and my vision is being deliberately obstructed. Even if they DO care, NOW, it's only because they know can use caring selectively or instrumentally to drain power away from me. 'He DoEs'Nt CaRe AbOuT yOu!' Give me a break. We all know what I care about."
An insult. Almost like you’re worthless. You are just anything, no substance, no value
You anything or y’all anything is widely used in the dmv to say someone is doing dumb or irrational things without any care. Basically means “you do anything” or “y’all are and will do anything”
“Your mom let you get a tattoo at 16? You anything moe.”
You cant.
(dude 1); Bro my girl is soo confusing.
(dude 2); That's not gonna change homie.
(dude 1); How Do You Understand Women???
(dude 2); You cant.
2👍 3👎
b) "You just got Lulled" - (1) To "Williamize" or break down all stories and sentences to such an extent of barney style that it "lulls" the listener to sleep. (2) To stretch out a 1 minute conversation into an entire days discussion
You just got lulled - "My new born baby cannot get enrolled into DEERS.... 6 hours later.... and that's why I cannot understand why DEERS will not let me enroll my child without a marriage certificate for me and my wife"; (3) When you know that your chain of thought just went to oblivion; (4) In other words, getting Lulled is worse than going to a safety brief on a 96.
An expression used by Trixie Mattel to make fun of or parodise something in a stereotypical southern american accent
Person 1: „Why do these gay people need a parade, why do they need to be so in your face about it?“
Person 2 (with irony): „If you want my gun, try and take it“
Retard way to say: are you retard?
Player: ni**a you i suck dick
Player2: what?
Player2: *kicks the player from the game*
Player: *rejoins*
Player: noob am you ratard?
Player2: *reports him and bans him from the game*