Woodgrove Primary School is one of the slayest Primary School in Singapore. People there either have anger issues, are retarded af or extremely smart. The teachers are a bit stupid tho.
If you want to have boyfriends go to Woodgrove Primary School.
More known as Stoneonta High School, The only somewhat good high school in Otsego County We the only Cool kids are The skater the basketball players, and the baseball players. The Vis printable Mrs lossi is hated by most students but is actually a nice person (sike you thought). Most of the kids that go to stoneonta are wannabe gangstas and think they are cool because they vape and smoke carts in the bathroom
Yo Evan, I'm going to a field party hosted by the seniors at Oneonta high school wanna come?
A place where you can watch football that is played by high schoolers. The guys that play football are always hot and ripped, but are usually either dumb, rude, or both.
“My ex boyfriend was an athlete, I always went to his high school football games. We broke up because he lit my mom on fire.”
A shit school that has 7 smart kids and everyone else are dumb eshays located in Canberra Australia in a shithole called Tuggeranong Valley
Wanniassa School is a shit school im not going there
A shit school that has an eshay around every corner. The only smart kid is a fucking curry and the school is so small you can walk empty hallways for 15 minutes straight
damn wanniassa school sounds really shit im not sending my kid there
A school with either druggies, wannabe eshays and nonbinary trigender genderfluid assexuals who identify as cats. Ms wyatt and her workwife ms longley loves dresscoding the girls who dare show one cm of their stomach. it actually has some okay students but they are most likely on crack. the canteen food is shit and overpriced as fuck. the "eshays" always do fights at allan border oval where they always pathetically lose. there's always girls either doing drugs, vaping, or "fixing" their makeup (though it just makes it look worse) in the bathroom and they always have to take up space while everyone else just simply trying to live their life going to the bathroom have to awkwardly manouver themselves around the selfish bitches. you know who u are. the hallways are always crowded and in D23 there is literally a leak over one of the student's desks and its always smells rancid in there.
hey you know that kid george?
yeah, doesnt he go to mosman high school?
yeah that would explain the constant drugs and fighting
A high school where there's fights that break water fountains with the persons head, teachers arrested during class, teacher/coach affairs, boys who put fishhooks on their hats, moldy lunch food, constant drug tests, and principles condoning drug use as long as YOU are growing it.
Person 1: "Did you hear about that big fight?"
Person 2: "Yeah...that's Coosa Central High School kids for you."