A dutty school full of boys who try act hard and act like their roadmen. Half of the girls turn out to be messed up in the head when they leave and some turn into slags. People make it sound like a good school but it’s really dead and messed up after year 5
“What primary school did you go?”
“St dunstans school”
“Don’t talk to me again u nit”
Woodridge schools is a small hood ass school in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio. The boys who go there are either your stuck up athletes, your drug kids, and the Ghetto kids. The girls there are your white basic bitch, your hoes, and your athletic girls. Woodridge is an interesting school, they get along with Cuyahoga Falls Schools (a little too much) but we both have a strong hate for Stow. Now in woodridge, got those daily fights, those white boys who wanna be black SO BAD. Andddd the thotsss. But the NORMAL girls there are hella fuckin fine. The athletics are AWSOME, damn, woodridge is a pretty fucked up school.
gangs of mean girls with bad highlights
“Do you like my highlights?” “Sure, do you go to shaker middle school?” “yeah how did you know?” “no reason…”
Independent School founded in 1541 that operates in the same way as the GDR of the 1980s and promote left-wing views to everyone through brainwashing students in Geography lessons to hate Israel.
kid 1: Fuck the Kings School. 15 grand for what?
kid 2: a labour conference!
Northeast is just filled with bitches who think they know it all and are fake as fuck and that are so desperate that they date the weird kid in the back.
Hey did you hear about Northeast junior high school?
Yeah I heard it’s filled with dumb white bitches
An elementary school a part of the west cluster of Plano where kids learn the fundamentals of drugs and the absolutely necessary art of defying authorities. You learn the basics of the hood.
Haggar Elementary School teaches you nothing
a common phrase used to express fuck u, or an excuse not to travel to school together
example 1
lachlan: can u grab me a bottle of water rq?
lucas: i go to school by bus
example 2:
andrew: wanna walk to sch together?
tyler: i go to school by bus