When you go elbow deep in your missus arse and pick her up with one arm walk down the street eating her pussy
Im going to turn you into a lollipop
when you love someone but are scared to say it.
1: i like you lots.
2: i like you lots too.
It’s only weird if you make it weird — see also “It’s only wyrd if you make it wyrd” the response to an intimate when one has made a legitimate request and you receive a questioning or pitying look. Often as people we confidently ask for something that we would find both pleasing and satisfying; but, we are met with stiff resistance from our partners and intimates when they are asked to participate in our reasonable (and sometimes reasonable) requests.
Look at it this way, if a person give you a waaaaaaaaaaay overly specific request, they have either done this before or have at least put a lot of thought into what they want.
The underlying meaning of the word weird is magical so actually this comment is deep and dualistically insightful.
Her: Babe, can you put my Yoga door mounts into the heavy file cabinet; bind me; suspend my arms and legs from the mounts; gag and blindfold me; and use my Hitachi Wand to stimulate me until I pass out?
Him: (Offering the gas face of disbelief in stunned silence)
Her: It’s only weird if you make it weird.
It’s only weird if you make it weird — see also “It’s only wyrd if you make it wyrd” the response to an intimate when one has made a legitimate request and you receive a questioning or pitying look. Often as people we confidently ask for something that we would find both pleasing and satisfying; but, we are met with stiff resistance from our partners and intimates when they are asked to participate in our reasonable (and sometimes reasonable) requests.
Look at it this way, if a person give you a waaaaaaaaaaay overly specific request, they have either done this before or have at least put a lot of thought into what they want.
The underlying meaning of the word weird is magical so actually this comment is deep and dualisticly insightful.
Her: Babe, can you put my Yoga door mounts into the heavy file cabinet; bind me; suspend my arms and legs from the mounts; gag and blindfold me; and use my Hitachi Wand to stimulate me until I pass out?
Him: (Offering the gas face of disbelief in stunned silence)
Her: It’s only weird if you make it weird.
The immediate response to anyone accusing you of being tricked or deceived.
1: <your name>, did you get tricked again?
2:... and you weeeeeeren't?
use this phrase when your friend says that they can do it when they can't.
example: Friend: i will be rich tomorrow! the next day, not rich. you: i told you dog!
YOU N MEEMZ is a shop that sells handmade goods by Tahreem Alvi.
Made with love. Made to be special. Made for you n for me. <3
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