After consuming large amounts of alcohol you go to the toilet for a shit only for the sheer force to cause you to vomit at the same time.
A: wheres tom at?
B: he's knocked back 13 pints
A: jesus he's probably having a smit shit
You are completely done. No more. You not taking that shit no more.
Manny said, “You picking your nose again Tom.”
Tom said, “Yeah, so?”
Manny said, “I ain’t taking that shit No Mo. You nasty mofo! Get the fuck outta here!”
1) when large amounts of hot molten diarrhea or soft stool exits your bum causing a burning sensation on your rectum
2) when a women has unprotected sex with a man who although makes a somewhat decent salary believes himself to be astronomically more successful than he actually is and does not realize that he will not make a salary significantly higher than what he does now for the vast majority of his life.
The man is referred to as a hot shit and taking a hot shit mean a women having unprotected sex with him.
The hot shit also has little to no redeeming qualities and although he often weighs less that 185 lbs believes himself to be a serious weight lifter. He is also only able to score with attractive women when the women is significantly inebriated by drugs or alcohol enough so not to be able to consent. when he is unable to locate and seduce the drunkest girl in the bar he will often himself become drunk and be exploited by a fat chick at last call.
If the hot shit successful exploits a drunk women this will lead to abortion, plan b and possibly criminal charges. If he himself is exploited by a fat chick this will lead to court ordered child support payment and a fatherless upbringing. hot shit will then become angry with his new difficulties in exploit attractive women dew to the financial burden of child support payments or the social and legal ramifications of sexual exploitation of an attractive women to drunk to consent.
A hot shit will sully anything it enters.
Jamie’s friend:
“Jamie took a hot shit from the bar last night, he’s been arrested and charged, she also got rid of the shit stain he left inside her”
Jamie’s other friend:
“What a disaster! I hope he gets butt fucked in jail!”
Fat chick:
“I took a hot shit from a bar 10 months ago, now I don’t have to pay for rent or food for 18 years!!!! Now all I do is stay at home eat and sit on the couch with my child all day! I LOVE taking a hot shit I’m going to find a new one next week!
The action you take When your at work but theirs too many other fools running around up in the work space so your only option is to go hide somewhere whilst acting like your on important business.
Bob: " yo everybody else is in there de-slattin, where are you going?"
Executive shit Jim: " Oh Bob! Dont worry, Im going down to the other warehouse to do some executive shit."
When a cat claws your leg whilst purring (also known as kneading). You know that cat wants a fuckin.
jasper s horny. that cat knit yo' shit... man he wants it bad. awww yeah.