Sending crook shit to your mates on social media, always unsolicited.
Check this knob out, he's doing a unit again!
When you want to cheat on your wife with the muscle milf but you don’t want to sound degenerate.
I’ve been thinking about starting an unconventional family unit with that single mom
Refers to an "acquired from the past" habit/routine/action/policy, usually of questionable morals/ethics. It originates from a practice that a former U.S. prez began many years ago, and so then one or more C-in-C's have partaken of same sinfulness on numerous occasions since then because they figger that it is something they can get away with and thus they should be able to do it themselves.
A few "classic" and disgraceful examples of a precedent of the United States would be Kennedy's philandering (and so Clinton and Dubya followed suit), Nixon's dirty politics (and so Reagan did likewise, as well), and Reagan's running rough-shod over everyone (just as The Donald is doing now).
"DAMN YO! i wish i was in teh m-unit"
"those m-unit boys are sexy as hell"
Babysitting unit, started up by Mousey's mum. This group is hardcore in taking over the world and leading way in the cycle of drugs accross Alsager. She drives around ina pimped up Ford Galaxy with her crew.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb- unit!B-unit
A concept that would make unionists shit themselves and jump out the window. You see, despite being the descendants of British protestant planters, they think they own the place and therefore make a united Ireland non-existent.
Jim: I want a United Ireland
Other Jim (unionist): I want 10-inch dicks up my throat.
An expression in the Turkey woods when a hunter or hunting partners harvest two or more turkeys in a single day.
I’ll say ol buddy, today was a United States Ass Sacking!
It’s been a rough go as of late. Sure would be great to have a good ol United States Ass Sacking today.