A dumb ass way for Mexicans to refer to another human being. Usually the only word that they know in English.
Eyyy homes, pass the kush, homes
home - is commonly used for a person who makes you feel safe and loved. you feel at ease when you're with them.
“he's my home.”
“ive never met anyone like you. You make me feel at ease. you're my home. my comfort.”
My definition of home is a teenage boy. I love this boy with all my heart. He feels like home to me, whenever I speak to him i'm overcome with a sense of happiness and comfort and all feels right. This boy is able to make me smile and blush in any given situation. I could stare into his eyes for years and hopefully I'll get the opportunity to do so! He's got the prettiest blue eyes. His smile is cute and he makes me laugh. He's loyal and kind. He sort of reminds me of a golden retriever. He says the sweetest things and I just know he's the one I want to come home to after a long day. Sometimes I picture him taking care of our future kids and playing with them. I want this boy so bad. He also smells good, which is weirdly attractive. He's perfect in my eyes and I hope he'll be able to see that one day too.
That boy makes me feel at home
Me and my friend drove by an orphanage and said "we're going to adopt you and take you home...JUST KIDDING!"