Basically like a heart attack but it's depression
KP has depression attack
like an anxiety attack, but is just 'waves of depression', lasts a little while and doesn't have as bad effects as an anxiety attack does
My principal called me to have a little 'chat' and you get detention, and your mom is called in to have a talk but just beats your ass. this is the feeling that you want to die, but it is not strong enough to make you take action. 'Depression Attack' means a sudden and temporary depression.
When you finally get around to doing the dishes that's been piling up for months.
"Hey Tom! i finally got around to doing my depression dishes!"
A more dramatic way of saying, "I'm bored."
Most teenagers like to act edgy with their internet depression.
A depression that Brooklyn gives you
Ugh u give me type 7 depression
When life at school is so hard, that your whole life falls apart
When the tears come streaming down your face because of school
I have student depression
I'm crying because i have student depression
Basically just supporting Manchester United
A: What team you support?
B: Manchester United
A: ouch! You got the united depression?
B: yeah :(