vaginal discharge, love slime, cooch slobber, twat snot
Wow, you're ready alright. There's like three raw egg whites here.
The white stuff that guys squirt out their wee wee to make babies
Please don't use your vagina egg magic to make me pregnant again, Mr. Radke.
When someone says something really mean, so you respond with a mad comeback
Nibba 1: you stink like a plum
Nibba 2: poo bum egg
Nibba 1: *cries is Mandarin Chinese*
a clean/new way to say beat your a$$. Usually used in the AM.
I swear Todd I'm gonna beat your eggs.
a nickname for Stanley Shum, who has another nickname, Shum Egg.
this word makes people understand his body and his hair(none)
Today is Shum egg bald's lesson!
Shum egg bald always tell us to "shut your mouth"
A Cadbury cream egg is when you sh*t on someone's body, then ejaculate in the sh*t and make the one you sh*ted on eat it.
Is brown and creamy, just like a Cadbury cream egg
"Happy Easter babe, imma give you a Cadbury cream egg tonight 😉"
Idea by G.J.R