Amazing, supportive, can be pushy, but a great friend. So understanding and smart! Amazing at sports, especially running. Loves bubbletea with her life. A truly great person. Very honest and social. Extremely funny and has a positive vibe around her.
Emilie slayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
A very talented girl who wishes to accomplish her dreams.
An Emilie is tall, has dirty brown hair and brown eyes. She can be shy but quite loud when with her friends. Extremely loyal, pretty and funny.
Girl 1: Do you want to hangout with anyone tonight?
Girl 2: How about Emilie?
Girl 1: Omg yes!
A girl that is bad. I mean BAD BAD like baddie bad like she has braces and a smile that makes you smile and she has cool hair with black and purple. She wears glasses that with or without she is hot.
Guy 1: Bro I just had sex with Britney
Guy 2: Ok? Fucking loser Emilie touched me for 1.2 seconds
Guy 1: Damn lucky bastard
Emily coined and embodies the term “resting bitch face,” enjoys watching animè superhero’s, and loves her derpy-ass dog Kelly a little too much it’s uncomfortable. Wears pajamas in public and loves mens clothing.
Jerry: Who’s that weirdo laughing in the corner?
Me: oh, that’s just Emily Reinhardt
The most beautiful and perfect girl in the world. Emily Davey's know how to make you smile even after the worst day of your life. My Emily Davey is a person I could have only dreamed of having a connection with. She deserves the world and I love her so much. Consider yourself lucky if you are dating or are friends with an Emily Davey and do not take them for granted.
I love my girlfriend, Emily Davey
Where do I start, people named “Emily Smith” are the best people in the whole ass world. They are the most trustworthy people in the world. As well as being the kindest people in recorded history. If you don’t have a friend named “Emily Smith”, What are you doing?? They are the GREATEST people ever!
How are you?
Im Great! I have a friend named emily smith.