If you happen to have a relation that started on this day . He/She is a keeper , you will have a beutfiul future togheter
X : We are togheter since june 22
Y : So that's why you are the best couple i know
Grab your girlfriend’s ass while hugging day
“Hey girlfriend, it’s June 22. You know what that means!”
National soapy titty pic day. Where you get your loved ones to send you soapy titty pics!
Hey babe it's June 22
Ok I'll send the pics later!
National Soapy titty pic day.
Get a friend or loved one to send you a soapy titty pic.
Hey it's June 22.
Okay I'll send the pic later.
Where tall and cool people where born and probably have the best music taste
Are you born on 23 june?? because you are so cool!!
On 7th June only the REALEST of all have their birthday .They are also the BADDEST out there and will call you out on you shit.In addition, they will read you to FILTH and leave no crumbs for the other girlies
You are such a bad bitch ! You MUST have birthday on 7th of June
Hailey June is a loving (abusive) and amazing queen bestie 😍 Such a beautiful soul 😋
Hailey June is the Best!