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Straight Pimp Chillin

the act of hanging out without any defined plans or obligations to friends, family, or significant other-except yourself

It's a Friday night and you're straight pimp chillin until you decide what plans you're going to partake in.

by Lali September 21, 2003

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Haitian Pimp

Is a pimp who's pimp hand starts at the waist swinging in an upward motion in order to raise his bitches spirits up when shes down.

Anna kept runing her mouth telling Shantel that Wago wasnt shit til Wago laid it down Like a Haitian pimp now Anna talks about wago like he is the best thing to come along since sliced bread

by Jean-Luc Jr. June 11, 2007

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Pimp My Ride-on

Spin off from the original Pimp My Ride aimed at lawn mowers.

Until last week I had a really crap lawnmower. Now, thanks to Pimp My Ride-on, I have a lawn mower puth platinum hub caps and some other tacky crap attached, yo.

by braindeadmotherfucker July 2, 2006

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pimp my ride

i dont really think they "rice" the ride, since i dont think these people will be racing these cars. and since when does dvd monitors, and new interior make it look like a fast car? anyway pimp my ride is a sick show, where the team at West Coast Customs take a hooptie and transform it into a nutso lookin ride so people can get their friends back. the team at WCC are geniuses

please MTV!!!! Pimp my Ride!!!!!

by Jizz-osh January 7, 2005

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pimp daddy welfare

greatest rapper ever. go to pimpdaddywelfare.com

ELmo pimps hoes
return of elmo
eazy e tried to kill me ( a colab w/ wesley willis)

by Anonymous May 22, 2003

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pimp juice

The whole thing about the cup stars hold at award shows, thats a pimp cup not pimp juice...pimp juice, or crunk juice goes in the pimp cup

he put his pimp juice in the pimp cup

by Steve December 5, 2004

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Christmas Pimping

When you get so drunk you turn into a Christmas Pimp

Aria got so drunk last night he kept referring to him self as "I Aria the Christmas pimp" and wouldn't stop. Yet another tragic case of Christmas pimping gone wrong.

by Deucetrain November 4, 2010

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