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sexual janitor

A person who cleans up all the low level single undesirables for sexual purposes. I.e. The last drunk person at the bar, the girl that just got out of jail with 7 kids, etc.

"Heath took that overweight wasted chick home. He's such a sexual janitor."

by lemurgrrl 1977 February 23, 2015

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Sexual Assulters

Women touchers, especially men, who have no respect for another man's girl.
Also know as Fuckin Pussies.

The sexual assulters should have been kicked from the bar. Sexual assaulters should not be accepted in society.

by Don'tbesexualassulter January 3, 2022

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taddl-sexual is the sexual orientation of taddl (T or tj_bb)

You are taddl-sexual if he is very important to your life and you think he’s a god

You are taddl-sexual if you simp for him

by PopCat666 January 3, 2021

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Neuro-sexual: means when you are a male, but you are only attracted to people who are either pansexual or hetrosexual.

Me: I'm Neuro-sexual
Someone: You're a male and you like people who are pansexual or hetrosexual?
Me: Yeah.

by NewModernDefinitions October 19, 2021

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Super Sexual

A backwards way of saying you never get any action.

Bradley: I'm super sexual, I don't like trans people.

Bethany: You could have just said you're still a virgin.

by Quirky Doe May 2, 2021

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nurseryrhyme sexual

When you like to fuck the head, shoulders, knees, and toes

Man I got a serious case of nurseryrhyme sexual

by SharkyProductions February 15, 2017

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Sexual consent form

A legal document that has become necessary before sexual activity by new sexual partners in the post #metoo era.

This is my living room and here is my kitchen. Please sign the sexual consent form if you want to see my bedroom.

by Chad Apollo January 23, 2018

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