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Space jam

Stealing someone’s talent by shaking their hand

:::while sitting at any sporting event thinking to oneself::::

“ damn, I wish I could space jam all these talented mf and stunt on them all..”

by Dante_ck October 4, 2017

Space Wad

1) a cross between a space cadet and a wad.

2) doing "it" in space

C: ugh i hate her
C: she is NOT a cool cat!!

by COOL CATS! April 22, 2009

Space mustard

Those little yellow spots that rain down from outer space and appear on your car the day after you've washed it.

Oh man, I just washed my car on Sunday and it's already got so much space mustard on it!

by donutz mmm May 15, 2022

ARCA Space

a company that creates flying water cookers

John: Do you have an ARCA Space Rocket at home?
Alex: Yes, I brew my coffee with it everytime!

by Julian0007 March 2, 2021

Space worm

When a guy sticks his dick in one’s asshole and later goes pee and shit comes out of his dick .

I fucked Tracey’s ass last night and got a huge ass space worm !

by Hotaudiecakes August 18, 2018

Sexnigger from outer space

a 🏳️ 🌈 colored guy from outer space is known as a sexniggerf romrf eojw f r/imhavingastroke

hi im a sexnigger from outer space

by SexMachine6969420 November 24, 2023

Space AIDS

Slang for COVID-19

Did you hear? Jimmy finally got space aids!
Wasn’t he vaccinated?

by Rupert3363 September 26, 2021