When the logical part of yourself knows that whatever you want to happen isn't going to happen, but you still hope anyway
"I knew that she wasn't coming back, but dumb thinking wouldn't let me stop hoping for a sign"
Common slang used by ADD players to request rough, hardcore intercourse together.
Y'all stupid ass people come up with these dumbass word n definitions
Y'all dumb is shit for some of these dumb ass word y'all made up in put on here.
When something is spicy but doesn’t have flavor
“Is that food good?”
“nah, this shit dumb spicy”
a person who’s really dumb and acts like a pog
also known as DPS
oh god look at that dude he suffers from dumb pog syndrome.
Someone who doesn't watch 'Avatar: The last air bender' even when you tell them to, and always reply with a 'Lord of the Rings' based suggestion.
Man Kamal is such a dumb cunt!
Australian colloquialism used to describe a certain type of person who is both obnoxious and ignorant in their actions, to the detriment of themselves and others around them.
CEO of YouTube is a Dumb-Cunt.