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You look like you can run forever

A backhanded compliment poking fun at how skinny/scrawny someone is.

That’s a nice truck but “You look like you can run forever”.

by the retarted scholar May 13, 2024


Look-a-Like is the ending theme of the Sonic the Hedgehog OVA released in 1996 in Japan & 1999 in the US & UK. It could also be the theme of Hyper Metal Sonic, one of the main villains of the OVA. This song was rereleased in the True Colors Part 2 album but the full version wasn't found until 2020 where someone released the full version onto Youtube.

On a Sunday, riding my bike
I notice, I notice, different things that look-a-like
On a Sunday, riding my bike
I notice, I notice, many many things that look-a-like

by Baboiminion June 14, 2021

you look like you get no bitches on your dick

common phrase said by shlinkot

yes you look like you get no bitches on your dick

by Kiciot January 2, 2022

National "look out for a homie" day

October 15th is the day in which you look out for your friends. Text them nice messages, compliments, and just be there for them. (Any gender counts as a homie today.)

You: "Hey bro, its National "look out for a homie" day. You doing alright?"
Them: "Nah, are you fine with me talking about it?"
You: "Bro, of course."
Them: "Bro.."

by Mx20 October 15, 2020

Fired for making a Jew look stupid

She obviously didn't quit.

Hym "He (Ben Shapiro) isn't going to comment on it because the truth undercuts everything he purports to believe. She is allowed to say whatever she wants... But if she works for me what SHE WANTS TO SAY IS 'Israeli is perfectly justified in doing what it's doing and they must be rid of Hamas by any means necessary' and of it's not she's fired. We all know she is getting Fired for making a Jew look stupid... But if Ben Shapiro doesn't confirm that that's what happened... We all have to just sit here and pretend that didn't happen. It's a was of preempting assertions. 'You fired Candace Owens for criticizing Israel and making that stupid Jew who wrote a hit piece on her look like a retard' and then he goes 'Well I didn't say that! I didn't fire her (technically)! And since I didn't say that's what happened... You just have to accept a non-explanation' No. I don't. I can just fill in the blanks. So, who is the guy who fired her? I want to talk to him. Is he going to give a didn't answer than the one Ben gave? No. Probably not. Does your word not carry any weight at the company you started? If you told them not to fire her, would they have still fired her? No. Did you want her fired. Probably. Did you express that to the guy who controls the hiring and firing? Probably. So the fact that YOU AREN'T THE ONE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HER FIRING IS IRRELEVANT. You are still the REASON she was fired. And she was fired conflict with the Jews."

by Hym Iam March 27, 2024

Looks good flight

When everything is going good, this is what you tell your friend.

Josh stuck out his thumb and said confidently, "looks good flight."

by Joey Paul September 27, 2018

like the look of

be worried about

I do not like the look of that bruise on your hand.

by Minh Huy January 9, 2017