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Just like an extra cheeky father, but weaker and in the distance.

Uncle Terry died! (He went on fire!)”

by BiggerChap November 25, 2023


touches that pp and booty cause he likes woman but he gay gay

uncle: hey sport toot it or boot it

by swampy21dumb on twitter and ig May 20, 2021


1.The man who teaches you the things you didn't learn in school.

2. The man who shows you things you were not supposed to .

"Last night my uncle showed me where children come from" Said laura "Really? My uncle showed me that when I was 4" Replied Stacy

by An intelegent human January 21, 2020


An Uncle is usually your moms brother(s) or your dads brother(s), unless it’s a very close family friend that you like to call your Uncle even though that’d be very inadequate. Uncles are the scummiest people out there. They all suck and have a stick up their butt, whether that be because of their work profession, their muscles, or for just no reason in particular because they suck regardless. They are as boring as a rock too, it’s way too hard to create a bond with them so you’ll just give up on trying. Most uncles will have been mean to you when you were just a youngin’ as well, and that really won’t change a whole lot as you get older. And if you don’t believe me that Uncles are the worst kind of people out there- why is it that there’s a lot of cases of uncles raping their nephews/ nieces. Ha! Scummy.

“Ugh, my uncle was being such an asshole to me!!”

“Oh man, sorry to hear.”

“Yeah brother, I’m convinced all uncles suck!”

“Yeah you’re probably right bro because mine do too.”


by Poopoohahafunnybutt April 13, 2020


The brother of your Father.

"Hey look, its your uncle."

by YourDrunkkUnclee September 21, 2023


Pedo that shows up at the family reunion.

"Why is Uncle staring at my cheeks".

by November 4, 2020


A man with a very big basement and only cums on Christmas eve

My brother: Hey Uncle Randy
Uncle Randy: Go downstairs and bend over sweet cheeks.

by Oi cuntty November 21, 2019