To (prospectively) have penetrative sex with a female.
Possibly of Australian origin, this jocular euphemism for sexual intercourse is typically used by men discussing the attractiveness of a specific (but non-present) woman.
The phrase may be a derivation of the derogatory joke "She's so loose, it was like chucking a chipolata up the high street" in which the male speaker not only slanders the large size of the female subject's vagina, but also disparages the size of his own penis.
"That Helen Mirren's hot for a mature lady."
"Damn right mate, I'd chuck one up her!"
Adjusting your obtuse boner in public
Bruh did you just pull the chuck in front of those elementary school kids?
A minivan driven around in the suburbs. You can pile up a lot of people and kids and items from the supermarket.
I see Marlene is driving the chuck wagon to Wal-Mart to go grocery shopping for her and them five kids.
Another name for Fuck Chuck Marry.
Dude, let's play chuck fuck marry.
So who would you out of Fatty Goggles, Esther and That Clown footed girl?
Oh dude, that's just wrong!
1👍 9👎
Any Officer on the Sauget, IL Police Department because they will pursue you until their wheels fall off, then they will run after you, and catch you.
Sauget Chuck Norris waiting with spikey strips
This day lands on June 15 ,and it is a day where you get to chuck your grandma down a flight of stairs to your hearts content.
Person 1: Hey grandma... You know what day it is.
Grandma: No sweetie I don't know what day it is
Person 1: Follow me up these stairs, and stand at the top with me and don't move
Grandma: Okay
Person 1: <Chucks grandma>
that's national chuck your grandma down the stairs day
A mix of very random and excited
Look at that girl, she's wayy chucked