a girl who is hilarious, gorgeous, and kind to everyone who deserves it. girls with this name usually have brunette hair and brown eyes like honey. they are down-to-earth, much like the taurus sign, so their birthdays are usually from april 24-30.
elli: dylan is my best friend, she is so much fun to be around!
cute boy: damn, i wish dylan could be mine. she is wifey material
Dylan makes your heart feel like it’s about to skip right out of your chest. He’ll tuck your hair no matter how many times it falls down. He is the epitome of comfort and safety. He’ll walk with you hand in hand in the freezing cold, laugh and dance with you in the middle of the sidewalk. When with Dylan, everything is right.
Dylan makes my heart giggle with happiness
You know you shouldn’t miss him but you do anyway. He’ll chat you up claiming that he loves you and only wants to be with you only to be seen with his amazing girlfriend (who deserves so much more) the next day. You’ll remember the good old days where you’d laugh and play and wish those days still existed. One day you’ll find out he cheated on you with your best friend and dump his ass immediately. He’ll leave town for 2 years only to come back to fuck up your life again. He’ll hold your hand during 1st period only to make out with his new girlfriend at lunch. One day you’ll look back and wonder “Why?”.
Dylan is a fuck boy.
Dylan is now a prostitute and visits his neighbour Susan every week.
Dylan - somebody who socially lowers themselves in hopes of gaining a woman’s affection (A. K. A. a simp)