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Hard rocks

5 of the smartest scientists in the world got together and decided to answer the meaning of life scientifically. They worked hard, and got to one answer: Why is the rock hard? Since they were scientists, they knew the answer, but the wanted the real answer. Their boss told them that they had to start all over 11 months of hard work. They retired themselves that day and became philosophers.

Definitions of Hard Rock:

-A question that can be answered scientifically, but is supposed to be a philosophic question
-Someone very awesome to the point there must be a NEW word to describe them
-All the scientists that helped create the Why is the rock hard? are automatically hard rocks.

Definition of Soft Rock:

-Someone who is a sad person and has no personality, as we ALL know, soft rocks can NEVER be rocks, or hard rocks (the way they are supposed to be).
-Someone who only listens to hardcore classical music.
-A normal boring question with a normal boring answer.

Hard rocks are awesome people.

by XDHAI!!!!!! May 13, 2015

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock Eater

A busted chick who's face looks like rock eater from the never ending story. Her chin looks like it was chiseled out of granite from Mount Rushmore. Her legs are also spread as wide as the Grand Canyon.

Did you hear about Rock Eater? She divorced her husband for a night so she could fuck a random.. and then spent all her money on some stupid gym called t-body. Stupid Rock Eater..

by tbody August 26, 2011

37๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alternative Rock

Alternative Rock is a genre of rock 'n roll that was developed during the 80's, but became popular in the 90's. Early Alt-Rock artists include the Pixies and the Violent Femmes, as well as early proto-Grunge artists like the Melvins and Green River. Alternative Rock did no make much commercial success until Nirvana's release of Nevermind, which not only broke out in the Grunge movement with Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Hole, but also the Indie-Alternative scene for acts like Oasis, Dinosaur Jr, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, and the White Stripes, Radiohead, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Coldplay (from the Britpop, Indie, LA, Garage rock, and Art Rock movements respectively). Today, because of the death of Grunge, Indie-Alternative and Pop music have fought over the airwaves for the New Millenium, with the rise of Boy Bands and Pop Princesses, to the Indie-Pop acts of Franz Ferdinand and Hive. More recently, 'Powerpop' and Pop-Punk acts like All American Rejects, Fall Out Boy, and new Green Day have been at the forefront of Pop music, while groups like Kings of Leon, the Foo Fighters, and Modest Mouse have stood on the side of Art Rock, Modern Rock, and Indie Rock, all subgenres of Alternative.

Nirvana was grunge, Modest Mouse is indie, and Oasis is Britpop, but all are Alternative Rock. Much of Alt-Rock has been influenced by the Punk music of the late 70's, but not all Alternative rock falls under Punk Music, nor does much Punk fall under Alternative.

by Maxsta211 June 16, 2009

60๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock Climbing

Drug Terminology often used in personal ads referring to smoking crack. As opposed to skiing which refers to cocaine.

Hot couple looking for a third into rock climbing and group sex.

by UrbanSuperMan January 28, 2008

192๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

rock band

A real rock band is a group of musicians who more or less follow the principals of Rock 'n Roll.

System of a Down, Rage against the Machine, Metallica, Aerosmith, etc. are examples of a rock band

by if(you=="pinkShirt"){useShotgun=true;} October 17, 2005

51๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rock, usually large with a somewhat flat surface, where an an individual could place there buttocks to sit and take a short rest.

"I can't walk anymore, I need a butt-rock."

by Deathguy6 October 20, 2014

41๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Rock

Music for pansies.

by Anonymous May 25, 2003

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