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xbox nerd

A cool dude or gal who is an exbert of the master of artz and craftz butt nott att spelin an liks gumiez #dewritos

Yo werez da piza xbox nerd.

by logan nightz July 8, 2015

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ratchet nerd

a nerd thinking he is all that by using technology, and still manages to get laid.

Will fix tech stuff for sex.

"Dude you a ratchet nerd for fixing her computer for sex!!!"

by MissMissyGirl March 20, 2014

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sad nerd

A nerd that stacks in castle wars because he can't play for shit anyway

Mike is a sad nerd

by Jesse Sitz February 2, 2009

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nerd fame again

When you type "define anagram" Google will ask you if you meant to say "nerd fame again "

This is a Google developer joke on the word anagram which is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another

You: Define anagram

Google: Nerd fame again

by Hugh_G Rection October 12, 2012

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So long nerds

The title of technoblade's last video where his father reads what he wrote in his last moments and remembers the memories of how hard techno worked on his channel.

Technoblade: so long nerds.
Fans: Technoblade never dies o7

by Camden fluff July 1, 2022

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shut up nerd

The best way to win an argument.

Person 1: Did you know that the best way to win an argument is to say "shut up nerd"

Person 2: No it isn't

Person 1: shut up nerd

by TheLionLiar August 29, 2018

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Nerd Talk

Anybody who disagrees with her lord and highness, the almighty Sunkiss.

Sunkiss: "OmfG9z!111 (SOME of) yuo peepol r talkin teh nerd talk!!11"

by Nacho December 10, 2004

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