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hood point

Like a good point, but one that reflects a manner of thinking consistent with life in the hood.

Bob: It's hot af outside.
John: Bro just put some ice in the fan!

Bob: Hood point!

by rosefly June 12, 2019

gay to the point

Immediately to the point. A gay way to say straight to the point.

Time is short so I'll get gay to the point (= explain the matter immediately).

by Unbeloved Versatile Gay Femboy October 10, 2023

bang points

Brownie Points for grown ups. The more you have with a certain person, the more likely you are to get banged.

Dude he totally just earned a mass amount of bang points.

by HM Smith September 12, 2014

two point spread


He loves to gaze at her two point spread.

by Wiscogrrl March 17, 2023

Cherry point

The first appearance of nudity in a movie or tv show.

We hit cherry point within the first few minutes of Game of Thrones.

by The Big Shazoo August 30, 2021

Main Point

One's Main Point (MP for short) is North Indian slang used for one's penis. Used in Elementary or Grade school.

"Miss, Jaspreet hit me in the main point."

by poopie_bungalo August 1, 2024

What point am I trying to make?

The point I'm trying to make is that somone either spoke to God or they didn't. If they claim to have spoken to the creator of the universe and DIDN'T ACTUALLY DO THAT... THEY ARE LYING. God DIDN'T tell them to kill the Ammelekites. God DIDN'T give Moses magic powers. And you either THINK THAT THAT HAPPENED... Or YOU DON'T THINK THAT THAT HAPPENED.

Hym "What point am I trying to make? The point I'm trying to make is that you're a fucking charlatan. You could tell the truth. But instead of doing that, you are LYING. You are a greedy power hungery LIAR. You are LYING to get the adulation of an incest cult. Where as I am telling the truth and having adulation within from me for the explicit purpose of preventing me from attaining a better life."

by Hym Iam May 27, 2024