1: a person who is both a bitch and a waffle, an insult primarily used by people who know very little sign language and take pride in the fact that the person they are insulting does not know what the hell they are doing.
2: someone who lacks brain cells, was most likely dropped as a child, and can to some degree be a dumb ass.
Scenario 1:
Person 1: your outfit is so ugly
Person 2: Well at least i'm not a *signs bitch waffle*
Person 1 is left anxious and confused.
Scenario 2:
Barbara: Tim is so annoying, I hate how I have to keep cleaning up after his mistakes
Barbara's sole friend and confidanr: Yeah he sounds like a bitch waffle
a hero for gay bitches the creators name is Ce’Yonni the pimp.
oh shit thats the creator of gay bitches hero !
To bitch out/ die due to a drug overdone (specifically cocaine)
1. It's a shame Ryan was to bitch off of cocaine
2. I can't believe he's gone, he really went and bitched off of cocaine
When you have a high bitch moment and do something you will regret later on
John: yo dude what happens to her hair
Leo: she cut it all of while having a high bitch moment bro
Said by The Naked Ninja aka"James Cameron" before pissing himself performing a rolling cartwheel.This celebration of excitement due to the release of his movie Avatar: The Way Of Water, will be remembered for years to come.
A cracked out off the hook chick who would do anything for a bag of drugs
That girl is a butler bendle bitch
Evil people having evil fun, or some form of media containing such
I decided to see 'Mean Girls', hoping it would be a hilarious high school parody instead of a Bitch Romp