The type of person who will say 1 after every single kill, fakeduck, and hold oneways. When someone asks him a question, he retorts with something like "shut up nn I bet you don't even know what an LBY breaker is!"
No one asked you One-Waying Shit Talker
An exclamation used for summoning help, when you're done defecating and need someone to clean your ass.
Momma, shit finish!
A type of crazy beyond normal crazy. More "out there", "in their own world" kimd of crazy.
She saw him with that woman, and she went "bat shit crazy" on his ass. Everything went downhill from there.
when someone is a tad bit coo coo and was probably dropped a hundred and three times as a child
trisha paytes is bat shit crazy
Adjective. A mental state or representation thereof generally immeasurable by conventional and / or standardized tests which is often subsidized by rare forms of social appreciation and ever so often the politics of conventional wisdom.
Verb. An action in a established order or philosophical paradigm rendering subjects confused resulting in a "situational disorder", aka as chaos.
Noun. A person, object or idea which is "food for thought" to challenge the notion of normal, most usually in a perspective considered dystopian and derived from the art of dissent.
Adjective. The Bishop told the King "the Court Jester's was uplifting having pacifoed the audience once again with a 'bat shit crazy' performance."
Verb. The director of security awarded his team a special lunch after mother duck and her ducklings walked on to the tarmac delaying air traffick only to be given safe passage by emergency responders using bread crumbs. One of the responders commented to the director at the luncheon "'it is 'bat shit crazy' eating roast duck as a reward for our effort. This isn't mother duck is it boss?" as gasps and forks dropped around the table. After a very long silence all listened intently. "It is really a chicken that I flavored with a wild fowl taste" the director replied easing the concern focused on him from the table.
Noun. During a water shortage, a ice statue of a penguin appeared on campus gathering a large crowd. "That's bat shit crazy" said one of the faculty to which a art student replied "wait for the joker to fill a thermos before it melts singing about global warming. Then you'll say it's ingenious".
When you shit with such a force that it leaves shit meteors in your toilet that when you try to pee them off later excavate the middle but leave a shit crater on the bowl.
"Aw man I mixed brandy and red wine last night and had the meteor shits. Pissed on 7 craters this morning.
it has nothing to do with speedruns or any gaming crap. thats some more dumb millennial crap. its basically calling you a baby and its been around longer than most people that answered have been alive!!
hey shit ass quit crying and get back to work. all you did was hit your thumb with a hammer.