That friend in the group chat who sees all the messages but never actually contributes to the conversation.
Hey Rosie, why were you being such a floating shit last night?
when a girl shits all over another girl and she looks like a monster
ahh did you hear lora turned beth into a lesbian shit monster at the disco
Being in a state of explosive diarrhea, extreme headache, double-vision, incessant urge to masterbate
Jay called in sick today, saying he felt like he had an opossum in his ass - requiring him to take a large Marsupial Shit.
Literally meaning "full of shit" or "shitty", it is a new term coined by gen z in certain scattered locations around the world. It is used as an insult or a way to describe how a person looks or behaves.
"Did you just hear that he faked his own sister's for some views" ?
"Nah man, thats just shitful".
When someone mocks you for not putting a price tag on the foreign objects you leave behind in the toilet it's art some might say, or when you frequently don't flush the toilet and someone notices your master piece. "Hey Sam I've been noticing you've been leaving behind presents in the works toilet 🚽 do you mind flushing it, it stinks." "Of course after you walk across Lego pieces and glass shards we'll have a deal pal."
own up to my shit action, verb, adjective should take part of owning up to your responsibility whether it's physical or imagery.
Worse than 'rat shit'. Rag shit is when something is so bad it's genuinely offensive. As if someone has taken a shit on a rag and wiped it across your face.
Donald Trump looks like rag shit
Hard time, bad luck, broke, poor, death, feel like dying but won’t, starving, near tragedy, gone to hell in a hand basket.
I can’t afford the rent increase, my kids got the flu, we're hungry and have no food , looking for a job is hard being permanently disabled no one will hire me and we are about to literally be HOMELESS for the first time ever, but hey, shit happens .