The person speakeasies invite inside for: one drink, no charge for the drink and then tells the nigga to go away because they don't want to take money from the nigga so the nigga know not to come back because that nigga owes the speakeasy for being a opportunist for down low friendships and a blackmailer when wants to take revenge for anything the nigga can complain about loud enough for anybody to listen and to keep the nigga's lips flapping long enough til the nigga tires theyself out to finally "call it a nite" from the nigga's mind.
This Bitch Nigga kept trying to be my friend.
Usually men named Twan. Tweez, Antwan.
Antwan claimed to be a real nigga but in fact he was a Bitch Nigga
To be a bitch nigga is to be Mohammed Hassan.
Damn why you being such a Mohammed Hassan today?
Someone who is a bitch nigga and lies and always is late to shit.
That kid Josh is a bitch nigga.
It’s basically A dumb nigga can’t lie
Osie a bitch nigga with no motion
P"Bitch niggas verses Bitch ASS niggas"
Defined; ; 1. Noun '(Action words)
Bitch niggas are only there to promote
A hater stander through smiles an slander. Not to be trusted with the values of communication morals or justice.
Bitch ass niggas ; noun action word. A envious, vindictive pericite whom search for host to attach themselves to depletion for unethical values to benefit off of someone else ethics claiming it as there own . Victimizer then claims victim
Through manipulation illusions purposely as well as sub contious in there deception . Without a contious mind thought between rite and wrong.
Bitch niggas
Mary invited me to a game to play victim as she use reverse physocology to distract me only to flirt with my husband. Vs
Bitch ass niggas
They lured him to a hotel to set him up with a felony on purpose to get out of trouble. Them acted as if they were unaware of situation. Playing both sides.