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The Master of being a Noob or Bad at everything

you a Noob

by dawdwas May 14, 2020


A player that barely has any skill in a game.

Jason: ur such a noob fred

Fred: IM N0T N00B UR TEH N00B

by za_ch September 8, 2020


A player that barely has any skill in a game.

Jason: ur such a noob fred

Fred: IM N0T N00B UR TEH N00B

by za_ch September 8, 2020


a person that is bad because they´re new

he such a noob

by Li´l child February 25, 2019


right, i made up another meaning for it, it means not very nice person also horrible and meen! Everything about the meaning isn't good basically. Please use the word if your in a fight with someone, i would like it to spread though the world! please help me!!!

for example: go away you ugly noob!

- get lost noob!

- she's/he's a noob

by Callum Randle June 3, 2009


A reference that came to light during the late 90s by gamers refering new inexperienced player that often are responsible for their team losing or dying easily.

It's believed to be a short word references two words in one "Newbie" meaning inexperienced and "Boob" meaning stupid person or a foolish person.

Thus Noob. An inexperienced foolish person.

"You lost the game for us you noob!"

"You are such a noob dude...lol"

"Well, you rushed in there without thinking, didn't you? You noob".

"Get some practice you dumb noob"

by Mark1983 January 13, 2022


New Player

Person 1: He's a total noob!
Person 2: But he's new!

by XxpickfoxX October 12, 2017