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Binge Bang

Taken after "Big Bang." Alternate Spelling: BingeBang
Pronounced "Binj Ba NG"

1. V. A person binges (usually with alcohol) and vomits everywhere. The person does not make it to the bathroom, and spews his or her throw up anywhere. This takes takes a while to clean up and is quite disgusting. Usually the subject is too drunk to clean it up, because he is incapacitated for a period of time.

N. The act of vomiting anywhere and everywhere, usually at parties with alcohol.

2. V. When someone bangs a person who had a little too much to drink and that person vomits during a thrust.

N. The act of vomiting when being banged.

1. Sally binge banged at that party.
Russ is such a lightweight because he binge bangs every time he parties with us.
That binge bang was quite enormous.

2. I don't remember binge banging last night.
I'm never having sex with that person again after that binge bang.

by Pimp Daddy C May 2, 2007

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

bang piece

a piece of ass you would most definatly bang.

"ohh shit check out that bang piece there, I'm gonna have to get somma that!"

by adamyourmum June 4, 2005

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shitty shitty bang bang

When you get down with someone that hates you and you're on the financial hook for the next 18 years.

Well, I thought that because we met on a sperm donor website that it'd be better to just be real, but that sure was a shitty shitty bang bang.

by GISkev October 20, 2011

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Jelly Banging

Intercourse with a condom, in which the penis becomes flaccid, but the condom wearer attempts copulation regardless.

'So it was all going well until he put on the condom. Then we were "Jelly Banging"...'

'My dick went soft and we were "Jelly Banging"

by Yeehaaa77 December 6, 2013

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jingo bang

the act of smashing dildos. jingo banging is the act of smashing multiple dildos, at once.

"damn, look at all those dildos! i just wanna jingo bang the shit of them!

by nicorywoodstove October 25, 2017

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blockbuster and bang

Similar to Netflix and Chill, but more popular in the 2000's. It's going over to your significant others house after renting a movie and having it on while having sex.

"Hey, wanna catch the next Everybody Loves Raymond episode? "
"Sorry, I'm going to be busy blockbuster and banging my gf. "

by collector1234567 March 24, 2016

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Bang Zone

It’s like the friend zone, but you only bang and you aren’t even friends.

β€œHe put me in the bang zone.

I only hear from him when he wants a bang”

by Spogan November 11, 2020

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