Source Code

Left 4 Dead

A game in which you and 3 friends can scream angrily at eachother while having mosh pits of zombies bite your faces. The AI Director can magically spawn thousands of zombies on you by using his magical control panel. He generally keeps it set on butt rape without lube.

Player1: I owned that witch!
Director: Let's drop 4 tanks on him...

Left 4 Dead

by wambulance December 28, 2009

1251πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž

Left 4 Dead

You and 3 other people fight off a zombie horde and try to make your way to safety. The zombies are like speedy Gonzales, but faster, so you'll probably die, very quick. You have to survive different places such as a hospital, farm, apartment building, subway, street and a airfield. yeah, left 4 dead has you kill zombies in a airfield. badass. Something also worth mentioning Is that Left 4 Dead has some tricky ninja-like bastard called the "A.I. Director" who watches your every move and decides whether and when you should die. You cannot kill the A.I. director, he's like a god or something. The A.I. Director spawns the zombies based on where you are, It's never the same. So If your getting a drink, or something, that prick will kill you off for shits and giggles. There Is also boss infected In the game, Such as The boomer, He's a fatass and likes to vomit on people. He also explodes, watch out for that. The Tank, imagine a army tank that grew arms and legs and tried to kill you and stuff... actually, that's pretty awesome when you think about It. The witch, She's a bitch. The hunter, He chills like a cool dude then leaps nine-thousand feet into the airs and land on you and after that follows a bunch of scratching or something that apparently Is very deadly as a billion gallons of blood splatters everywhere. The smoker, he has a quadtrillionbillionzilliongogzillfillion foot long tongue that grabs you. If you kill him he turns into a bunch of smoke... I'm done typing.

Left 4 Dead

by Mr. Kolak (X5R) October 25, 2008

580πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Dead Mow Five

A common mispronunciation of the Progressive House musician Deadmau5 (Pronounced Dead Mouse).

Jill: I can't wait to see Dead Mow Five live!

by The Bacon Hacker August 21, 2013

Dead Like Me

An outrageous show centered around life, death, the afterlife, and Banana Bonanzas (with xxx-crispy bacon) at Der Waffle House.

The central troupe of undead consists of:

1. The plucky, though often apathetic, George (conked on the noggin by a flaming toilet seat - hurtling through the atmosphere at 200 mph from the Mir Space Station).

2. Mason, our dear lovable, half-wit, alcoholic, junkie. His accent makes ladies swoon . . . as does his signature scent (an unforgettable melange of Eau du Hangover and Alcoholicious).

3. Roxie, the rough, tough, bitter cop. She takes a certain delight in making sure that everyone adheres to the rules. And yes, she can kick your ass. And she'll look good while doing it.

4. The disarmingly ditzy Daisy. Hey, who hasn't she had sex with?

5. And, of course, Rube. Any group like this needs a level-headed, logic-minded, compassionate, sympathetic leader. Riiiiight. He maintains his control because, according to Mason, he "withholds the love". But as Rube points out, he can't withhold what he does not posess.

Dead Like Me, unfortunately, looks to be DOA (the slave of Satan, Bob Greenblatt, nixed a third season - presumably because of penis envy of the MGM lion). Sad, sad, sad.

The cancellation of Dead Like Me is, well, eleven kinds of suck.

by SweetDivaNY January 3, 2005

141πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Drop dead gorgeous

Extremely good looking person who makes heads turn when they walk into the room

Wow did you see Emma she is drop dead gorgeous

by molli March 8, 2015

275πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Red Dead Redemption

Better than GTA IV

Red Dead Redemption is the most epic game of all time.

by marston89 May 7, 2010

987πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

got me dead

got me dead is usually used when something is hilarious (similar to lmao) that you die a little on the inside or it’s something that makes you woke or shook

person 1- β€œyo have u herd of kkk?!”
person 2- β€œyeahhh kkk got me dead”


Person 1- β€œdude look at this meme”
Person 2- β€œlol got me dead”

by milkk drinker January 23, 2018