When someone is doing anything annoying (Normally someone named Louise) to annoy them.
Jesus Louiseus, you will have to pick up all this flour!
A religious person who only follows what they believe in when it benefits them or gives them attention, all done while being a text book Narcissist, as well as 2 faced.
"They always act so holy in church for the attention, what a Narcissist Jesus."
when a man is able to reach erection quickly after ejacultion.
Dude i totally had a jesus erection last night in bed.
To offer fine or expensive alcohol to drink at a party after people are already drunk. Origin: When Jesus allegedly turned water into wine it was said to be good quality.
I thought I had another box of wine but I just have the good stuff. I guess we're drinking Jesus Style now!
When people are actually attracted to Jesus because of his handsome appearance.
Ironically, Jesus wasn't actually all that good looking according to the bible:
"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him."-Isaiah 53:2
Most people seem to be attracted to Sexy Jesus when in reality Jesus wasn't all that beautiful
A taunt used with your arms spread open and slightly halfway raised, as though being crucified, while approaching someone.
"This mfker's coming up hard with them Jesus hands.."
" I came at em with my Jesus hands."
Jesus phac: An exclamatory statement used to illustrate a powerful emotional reaction or feeling
Ex. 1) **Stubs toe** "Jesus phac!"
Ex.2) "Jesus phac, nothing like going to church on a Sunday morning."
Ex.3) "Oh no, I'm late for work! Jesus phac!"