A noob, is a new player. Not someone who killed your dad
exemple: look at this noob, let's help him.
Sanda is a big noob, he gets bullied by his best friend N3koPheonix.
like a noob
A person, that usually has recently begun doing an activity for the first time. People that can do the same activity better in general can give this title to people worse than them.
A noob has beat me with a cod.
Noob means that you're not cool. If you don't like someone, a good insult would be calling them a noob.
bad player in a online game. usually not moving.
Jack: yo Nate i see a guy but he is not moving
Nate: he must be a noob
When whom is a noob, they get no more than 1 killstreak and you could never rely on such a person, TBH I say kill them all
OMG what a fu***ng NOOB kill him now!