Source Code

Kick short people

Kick people that are under 5โ€™5 on October 10th

Kick any one that is shorter then 5โ€™5

I am defined to kick short people

by Daddy long dick6969 October 8, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

homeless homeless people

homeless people who do not have anyplace for shelter against the elements

Many homeless homeless people sleep under trees because there are no room for them in a shelter

by Jackie11 August 30, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Potato sack people

People who live in the back country areas of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. They are a peaceful group who live a simple life. Typical potato sack communities do not have electricity or running water instead they prefer candles and nearby water sources for things as cooking and drinking. Bathing is not common with potato sack people as they have a fear of the water washing away there own skin so only when it rains or by accident do they bath. Be aware though if you were to come upon a community of potato sack people you are in great danger. They will chase you down and beat you till they grow tired, death is possible if they have either just fed or napped. Luckily most live far enough off the road so that the normal passerby should not be bothered, However once cited you may be chased by a group on horseback or possibly a large cow or donkey. It was once thought that these people were an urban legend of sorts but in recent years sightings have been reported almost monthly in the know territories. Some speculate that progress growth has cut into the forest that once kept them hidden. In the event that you are spotted or cornered by a group of potato sack people then the best defense is a mp3 cell phone, play the music and hold it above your head. They commonly see this as a devilish device and run away however a flashlight or personal weapon may be used as well but unless you have music on your phone it is unlikely youโ€™ll avoid the beat down at hand.

hillbilly billhilly hilljack michigan ohio kentucky flordia bumpkin potato sack people

by Potato sack people survivor February 25, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

What People are Made Of

Water and shit.

While Isaac rejects the complexities of modern anatomy, and by definition organic cell structure and shit like lipids, his logic is ironclad in that

people fucking suck

"They ain't made of nothin' but water and shit, alright"

This is a variation on the theme of the track which is called also "What People Are Made Of" which is coincidentally the definition and so on plus it might have a fifteen before it. It is on the backof the CD/cassette tape case.
The back will be relative to you.

by Benjamin P. June 25, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

white people's hours

Wake up by 8am, Monday through Friday, 9-5pm, in bed by 12pm. You know, because white people have jobs to go to as opposed to blacks who are on welfare and sleep in past noon

You say you're looking for a job but you're not keeping white people's hours.

by Nunya B. January 12, 2008

96๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tall People Day

March 2nd, the exact opposite of Sept. 2nd (aka short people day.) On tall people day, anyone over 5'9" gets $5.

P. 1: oh wow, on Sept. 2nd I got $5 because it was short people day! Bet that must suck for you, seeing as how you're tall.

P. 2: oh, you must not have heard of tall person day! March 2nd, 6 months after Sept. 2nd, is Tall People Day! Tall people get $5!

P. 1: I hadn't heard of that! How interesting!

by TakeThatAutumn September 3, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

White People Spicy

People from India, Asia, Indian Subcontinent have a very specific definition/idea of what "Spicy" means with regards to food. This definition of Spicy is not what White People consider as spicy. This is pure fire to White People. White People Spicy is more like "Mild" for People from India, Asia, Indian Sub-continent. White People Spicy is what you get at Chick-fil-A when ordering a spicy chicken sandwich.

"Hey, how spicy is this chicken vindaloo? Oh, it's only White People Spicy."

by Sean-Price-is-Right December 4, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž