The outfit you wear when you’re going through it, the one you always go to because it’s comfy
An outfit you wear for days on end because of your inability to get up and change/bathe.
“I’ve been stuck in my depression outfit for days because I’m too sad to shower”
The feeling of worthlessness, prolonged sadness, and hopelessness that one gets when committing acts that are related to finals. (Studying, taking the final, mentioning finals, hearing about finals.)
“The teacher gave us a 100 question final, I’m getting finals depression”
“Did you hear about the final?”
“Dude stop you’re giving me finals depression.”
The time it takes you to finish rewatching Bojack Horseman.
Thank god this is the last episode, my depressive Episode, was awfully long this time
A Phrase used to describe someone who is per say The funny one of the group who laughs and makes jokes to make the people around them happy, but you know is struggling with depression even though they conceal it to the best of their ability. Examples are Robin Williams, Chris Farley, and Freddie Prinze
This is Robert, his life is terrible but he likes to make people laugh and is charismatic. He's Charismatically Depressed
Depression with suicidal thoughts
Doctor Billy has suicidal depression
Childhood Depression
Childhood depression is when a child eventually starts not feeling joy and instead just being empty, hollow and depressed.
This usually effects kids when they start being overworked, stressed, and burned out, which leads to sadness, tiredness, and depression.
This probably spiked in 2020, when kids started becoming more distanced over time due to not socializing, and eventually childhood depression started for an unknown number of kids.
Mandy: Why is Sam so sad?
Amanda: I heard he had childhood depression, i hope he recovers.
A type of person that deal with drug , and like meme ,also full of depression
Depressed Berry-kun like cookies