Source Code

pitt bones

Yeah ok what the hell does that mean!?!?!?!

please help!

by hot momma January 31, 2004

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Snow Bone

Masturbating with a snow cone

Ex. 1 I had a great snow bone earlier.

Ex. 2 Girl- Lets have sex

Boy- Nah I'm gonna go home and snow bone!

Girl- Thats tite

by Frar July 5, 2009

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Bone Thrower

A YouTuber that promotes gambling, mainly Craps, in an uneducated bastardized version of the English language that only poverty-stricken people that are hoping to score big in a redneck retirement plan (hitting a casino jackpot) would understand.

Anyone who tries to correct his methods, let alone his English, is met with a daunting 33 minute unedited video of the Bone Thrower berating his viewers.

Hey Bone Thrower, can you say everything you just said again in English? My IQ is above room temperature and I don't speak retardese.

by VexMachine March 20, 2018

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bone fucked

the sensation of bones scraping against eachother when two very skiny boney males and females are fucking.

ex.) jamie and scott totally bone fucked like they always do, go figure!

by john jacobbbbb November 14, 2010

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Lake bone

A term used to describe a fine ass, blonde haired, blue eyed girl from the Land of 10,000 lakes. Usually inhabits the Twin Cities.

I've never seen anyone as wet as that lake bone.

by Pedrejo September 29, 2006

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Bone Taco

A punch in the face.
Also a phrase used to imply that someone's about to get a punch in the face.

Dude... Bone taco man...

by Nick Pie February 26, 2004

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bone crusher

Bone crusher or bone crushers is the new word for cleats. like shit kickers for boots. called this beacause if you wear metal spiked cleats to a brwal or to confront someone you goint to crush their bones. this is wats up. use it before everybody and their momma does.

i put on them nike bone crushers to roll on that fool that was talking greasy bout me

by anonomousehouse September 14, 2004

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