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A term that white people use that they think is “cool” because they can’t say the N word.

White guy,”wasp my cracker.” Black guy, wtf?

by Milky banana October 8, 2021


A stupid honkey idiot on social media who is usually skinny and an unattractive incel that acts like a racist fool for likes on the internet and makes the actual nice Caucasians look bad.

Black guy: you see that honkey on social media trying to be racist for likes
Mexican guy: Ohh yeahhh you mean that cracker haha. Why do they act like that.

Black guy: That’s why they call them dumb crackers

by Smart people>>>>racists December 4, 2022


A word that everyone deny that it's a slur against white people. (people claim you can't be racist toward white people)

kid from tiktok: This guy is racist and called me a cracker on xbox.

bad commentary highschooler : Shut the hell up kid, you can't be racist toward white people nor cracker is a slur.

You probably think it's a slur because your a fucking white privilege fucker, you probably said the n word too, fucking bitch.

(based on a true story)

by Sweat_Burg February 14, 2021


Old cold hearted white people with a gun that hate people with a different color skin.

Billy-Lets go find a African American
Billy-(Drunk)Shoot me
African Americans -Why?
Police- why would I help them if they don't respect me?
African American- When stop them from killing us.
Billy-Fuck you nigger (shoot AF in back)
Sam-thats what he get Crackers

by Realistplanet01 May 18, 2021


A cracker is like a "weed grinder" but for laughter gas. You insert the whipped cream cartridge then put a balloon around the top, then you just twist and the gas flows into the balloon.

Friend A: Ayo lad! I got the gas and balloons, yo got a cracker?
Friend B: Yea man, i gotchu.
Friend A: we gon' get high!

by HighOnJenkem November 5, 2018


Cracker stands for people who do count as caucasian aka "white"

Shut yo bitchass up dumb cracker

by CrackerHater123 March 20, 2023


A term one uses to make fun of a white person also seen as being racist in some forms.

You cracker looking white boy.

by The 1 and Only BlackMikeHurst March 25, 2021