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A young Karen. Young white male entitlement/audacity.

Oh look, another Kyle.

by September 14, 2020


a weenie

kyle is a weenie

by katiskitty September 24, 2020



man that dude shagged another dude he's such a kyle

by rocksald June 5, 2019


Kyle is the type of guy who will say he will beat you up but won’t because he don’t got the balls to. He is the type of guy you see walking around biting their ear and holding a hand to their chest.

Jared is so dumb he is more like a Kyle then a Jared.

by Kyle Fasey March 2, 2023


someone who punches drywall

"I punched drywall once. I guess that makes me an honorary Kyle." – Brendaniel

by Aqxer May 16, 2021


A kyle is a douchebag

Matt: hey look a Kyle

Tim:why am I alive

by OldMusicFan October 22, 2019


Kyle likes waffles and he's best described as a twat. He's the kind person who when asked to be there for you during a death in the family.. you can count on him to find a way to make you look like you did something terrible, so he doesn't have to be there while you deal with death in the family by yourself .. he'll make you look like you were wrong for suggesting him to be there for you. And its your fault.

yeah I went to see my Dad at the hospice, and stayed holding his hand and when I needed a friend, that friend was being a Kyle.

by DiscoDelaware August 22, 2023