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A helpful force exerted against one's shoulder-blades by a caring and stronger friend when trudging up steep hills or proceeding toward/going through with socially-intimidating meetings/interviews; it consists of leaning over forward and pushing the infirm/weary person along with one's head.

Cool dude #1: I don’t feel brave enough to go over and ask Tiffany for a date --- I’m such a stuttering dork around pretty girls!
Cool dude #2: Come on, Buddy; I’ll be behind you all the way --- here’s some brain-power to see you through.

by QuacksO November 14, 2011

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power top

The equivalent of famous tiktokker Billy Beck, who describes himself as the β€œCEO OF POWERTOP”

Are you a power top? Yeah i’d let you ruin me like Billy Beck

by KinzSr October 11, 2020

9πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Power Wank

For when you're so fucking horny from phone sex that only a power wank will do.

TEXT: "Oh god you're really making me want to come fucking badly. Gonna have to have a power wank thinking about your beautiful sexy ass"

by Lucas1212 February 2, 2012

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

power struggle

When all the outlets in a power strip are filled but you desperately need an outlet

"Yo I need to charge my phone but there's no open outlets. I'm having a power struggle."

by MusiqDude April 12, 2014

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Power Move

An act or suggestion that will in hopes lead to any gains in happiness, popularity or money.

Ashley: Yo you like my new kicks?

Leo: Power Move

TPain: Yo I got some Tacos for our hangovers.

Leo: Exclusive Power Move!

by Leo J, the Kid July 19, 2009

12πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

power tool

A particular variety of tool who holds or seeks positions of power just for the sake of holding power itself, frequently found in politics and corporate upper management or executive positions.

The more I hear about that guy running for Senate, the more he looks like a power tool who's only in it for status and influence.

Our new metaboss is such a power tool; I hope he keeps climbing the ladder just so we won't have to deal with him for long.

by Monseignore Laszlo August 6, 2010

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Power Munch

The act of eating four (4) (liqueur of choice) soaked (fruit of choice) served within the (liqueur of choice) it was soaked in. Intense dark (fruit of choice) aroma and flavor followed by a strong alcoholic flavor and back to the (fruit of choice) flavor as you chew the four (fruit of choice).

Up north playing drinking games: "instead of taking a drink, power munch the rest of that shit bitch!!!"

by jarmoblood March 14, 2009

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