the Second death is where all life on earth will end soon and it's already been decided on judgement day recently by ABSOLLUTE ALLMIGHTY GOD THE CREATOR OF ALL Who created planet earth and all life on it. it's no way to stop it or undo it base on everything everyone already did. the best you can do is enjoy the little life you have left , doing all the stuff you can do now. loving your partner. having sex, eating good food every day. whatever it takes to enjoy this before the Eternal After life....where divine punishment starts forever. base on the deeds you did all your life to everyone in the world for your own personal gain.
The second death was mention long ago way before any of us was born. no clue how many days, months, years are left.
The rule goes as follows...
"If a food item falls to the ground and you pick it up in less than 3 seconds, you can pick it up"
*Friend drops an entire pizza upside down*
"three second rule"
Simultaneously the shortest and longest unit of time to a child.
Seconds are also how long it takes for something to go wrong and/or crazy.
Guy: I am going to make a knife out of Liquid Evil, a potion of undeath, and human flesh! Surely nothing will go wrong!
2 seconds later...
Guy: I have caused world destruction. :(
When you get another plate of food after you have initially eaten your first one.
"That food last night was so good, I just has to go back for seconds."
Jimothy: Let me read this title: "Why does the (the second the was skipped when reading) brain not notice the second 'the-" wait a moment this is fake.
Jill: Why does the the brain not notice the the second 'the' in the title? is what it says
Sammy + Jimothy: Aeugh
Nick: i ship Jill + Jimo-
Jill: *pulls revolver*
Nick: Runs