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Maple Blood

- A Modern Canadian slur created by americans and their 17 year old population.
- Meaning; A person or persons who are living in Canada, derived from the idea that their blood is maple syrup (A Canadian staple) and freezes like everything else in Canada.
- Original creator, Battl3Zilla.

"Damn those Maple Bloods, their always frying their Canadian bacon and it stinks, I mean its not even real bacon"

by 0rphac October 13, 2022

Blood Outlet

The blood outlet is a fun experiment. It’s when you cut off your erect penis then put it All the way in your ass before it gets hard

My homie Duggy Did a Blood outlet with Weston Bitch

by LittlePeniseater12 August 25, 2022

blood stealer

A person that loves to take blood. They will do anything for blood. When someone is nearby with their blood pouch they will feel the urge to grab it and run away. They would even use fake blood to scam someone of real blood. They would kill someone for their blood.

Person 1:"i just earned some new blood for my blood pouch"
person 2:"just make sure no one can see it lest they try to steal it."
person 1: "i see someone they are staring at me and my blood pouch"
person 2:"watch out i think they are a blood stealer"
blood stealer :*runs after the person with a blood pouch malice in his eyes striking to kill take their blood and their blood pouch*

by BloodLustStealer April 19, 2022

blood flacon325

A Blood Falcon325 is a slow minded individual whom often plays xbox with his very few freinds online due to the fact he has none in real life because he is so ugly and slow minded. A Blood Flacon325 is the type of person you would cross the street to avoid. Also his mom is a bit of a slut.

"Eww that guy over there is such a Blood Flacon325."

by Ma5terchief2014 January 7, 2018

goat blooded

Having the greatest blood of all time! Made my the GOAT master Isaac Molina.

Isaac: I'm not cold blooded. I'm goat blooded.

by Chubbychandler June 1, 2017

blood puppets


"Kristi has blood puppets all over her ringo (asshole).

by Ryan Codez February 3, 2009

Blood Vanilla Port

A dessert of port wine mixed with vanilla ice cream. Creating an ice cream port float.

They ordered a blood vanilla port for dessert after their dinner.

by Justice78 April 1, 2018